Your first appointment with the chiropractor
LJ Chiropractic on Snowdrop Lane in Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire.
Treating Upper and lower back pain
LJ Chiropractic, Snowdrop Lane, Haverfordwest
The chiropractor's treatment room.
A beach in Pembrokeshire
The sea and the beach in Pembrokeshire
First of all, we listen to you. We need to know as much as we can about you to get a good idea about your overall health and previous experiences with pain or injury. Some questions might seem irrelevant to your presentng complaint, but you will be surprised how other illnesses or medications can alter your recovery or treatment plan.
We learn about your hobbies and the things you enjoy doing, so that we can make sure we understand where you need to be and what your goals are. This allows us to create a treatment plan that suits you.
We examine you to check your nerves, muscles and joint and we watch you move to see how easy or difficult you find certain movements or activities.
Then we can decide how we are going to help you, how long this might take and more importantly, how you can help yourself when we are not around.
You will usually receive treatment on the first visit.
If we cannot help you, we will refer you back to your GP or onto someone else who may be better equipped to deal with your problems.
What happens during a treatment?
It will include a combination of hands on and hands off treatments.
Joint manipulation and mobilisations
Soft tissue massage and stretching techniques
Dry Needling/Acupunture
Movements, stretches and exercises to do at home.
Advice and tips on how help with your posture at home or work.
Pain management using things such as ice, heat.
- Helping to identify lifestyle stressors and how to overcome them.
If hands on treatment isn't suitable for you, that doesn't mean that we can't help you.